Kissing Booth 3, The
Well, this snuck up on me. And the feeling of inevitable dread as I saw it popup on Netflix and knowing that I – being a reasonable and logical person – was going to have to watch it. And I … Continue reading
Well, this snuck up on me. And the feeling of inevitable dread as I saw it popup on Netflix and knowing that I – being a reasonable and logical person – was going to have to watch it. And I … Continue reading
I found Woodstock ’99 documentary to be a fantastic narrative about the concert that went up in flames. Definitely a doc with a pre-determined angle and opinion but they gave enough people time for the defense in this trial. And … Continue reading
Val is a pretty good documentary that wavers in interest and quality but ultimately skews closer to pretty good than average. It’s about the life and career of Val Kilmer who is recovering from throat cancer and has a breathing … Continue reading
You’d think a movie about blood-sucking locusts would be a fun (or insufferable) B movie. But, no, leave it to the French to give us a story about a struggling small business owner with family drama who is trying her … Continue reading
Vivo is a Sony Pictures animated flick that premiered on Netflix. I’m not sure if that shows a lack of confidence in the film or if Netflix just threw around THAT much money. But I could have seen this as … Continue reading
This is an indie flick that you’ll either love or find impenetrable. I’m in the later camp… I appreciate what it was doing but I just couldn’t find an entry that would allow me really enjoy it. I came away … Continue reading
The Suicide Squad is made by the James Gunn you used to think about when you thought about James Gunn. The James Gunn before Guardians of the Galaxy… the James Gunn behind the splatter-ific alien parasites of Slither and the … Continue reading
The Retreat is a movie that suffers from the weird decision to film it in the dark. The movie has long sequences at night (or inside without lights) that are so black I could barely see anything at all. This … Continue reading
Resort to Love is kind of a generic, breezy-headed, low-effort vacation-based romantic comedy. It doesn’t try very hard, it’s filmed in a generic, flat way, and it has little to recommend it. But it isn’t the worst of its kind … Continue reading
Masquerade is a movie where an active home invasion and burglary is happening from almost minute one, yet nothing is actually happening at all. It’d be charitable to call it a slow burn, but also an insult to artistic slow … Continue reading