Unhinged is a film that should probably just have been called Road Rage: The Message. Or perhaps, “Unhinged: You know, the bad guy kind of had a point there at the start of this… too bad he killed those people … Continue reading
Unhinged is a film that should probably just have been called Road Rage: The Message. Or perhaps, “Unhinged: You know, the bad guy kind of had a point there at the start of this… too bad he killed those people … Continue reading
New Mutants, the (actual) final X-Men movie in the Fox run of superhero flicks, is finally (FINALLY) available to a wide audience. After numerous delays even before the pandemic and then a gasping-for-air theatrical when screens opened, it’s hit digital … Continue reading
Console Wars is the oft-told story of the rivalry between Sega and Nintendo. Oft-told, that is, if you’ve oft-read gaming history books or oft-watched other documentaries. If you have, this film doesn’t really teach any new information, though it does … Continue reading
Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight is a new Netflix Original / Polish horror film about a bunch of tech-addicted teens who are forced to spend time in the great outdoors. And, by great outdoors, we mean the mutant-Bubba-infested woods. … Continue reading
I gave The Secret: Dare to Dream a shot not because I believe in The Secret (to my cynical, cold-dead heart, it’s hooey… maybe even malarkey) but I believe that can be fun… but there’s also a chance that it … Continue reading
Possessor is a new film from Brandon Cronenberg, son of David Cronenberg and the apple hasn’t fallen far from the bloody tree. The version I saw was Possessor Uncut… apparently the MPAA rated it NC-17 so it’s been released on … Continue reading
Caught up on The Assistant, a movie I’d heard described as a film where nothing happens. Why that interested me is primarily down to the very positive critic score and very negate viewer score. Not the first time that’s happened … Continue reading
After We Collided snuck up on me like a pernicious weed… I saw (and was moderately ok with) the first film (After from 2019) in this unlikely series but didn’t expect a sequel. For sure, I can believe the book … Continue reading
Finally caught up with Audition, a Japanese horror film that may have been over-promised… but I ultimately found that a blessing. I’m not sure I could have handled a full two hour movie like the last twenty minutes of this … Continue reading
His House is certainly an interesting and unique horror film. I’ve never seen anything quite like it while, at the same time, it has tired and overused tropes that almost ruined the film (before course correcting). The film is about … Continue reading