To me, Tar is a fascinating case of sitting in a theater, admiring a performance, but wondering what the heck this movie is even about. I guess it’s about a human life but I’m not sure what else. I was … Continue reading
To me, Tar is a fascinating case of sitting in a theater, admiring a performance, but wondering what the heck this movie is even about. I guess it’s about a human life but I’m not sure what else. I was … Continue reading
I think I spent every minute of this movie wondering why it was made, why I was watching it, and whether the obvious point it was making was really meant to be so obvious. And yet, I was entertained… I … Continue reading
The Lair was another fairly blind rental… but I was immediately intrigued when Neil Marshall’s name came up in the opening credits. Dog Soldiers, The Descent, and even the uneven Doomsday… plus the last thing I saw him make was … Continue reading
Yoda was right when he said blind video rentals lead to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leaders to suffering. Couldn’t say it any better, my green man. They Crawl Below was a blind rental, just enough hint at hopefully … Continue reading
I feel bad for not liking Wendell and Wild more. Clearly it’s a work of art as far as stop motion animation goes and it’s got a cool vibe and interesting, if off-putting, character design. But I think I just … Continue reading
Introducing Hollywood’s big new theatrical release for Halloween… the 598th exorcism movie… complete with contortionist demons! It’s so original. So so original. The power of who compels me? You don’t say. Sigh. Prey for the Devil suggests the number of … Continue reading
Yeah, toss a bunch of mismatched horror movie clichés at the screen and let the good god lazy viewers sort it out. No reason to make a cohesive picture that survives the dramatic twist… just keep adding in plots and … Continue reading
While the message of this Amazon Prime movie is as subtle as a sledgehammer, I still appreciated the vibe, the badassery, the soundtrack, and the cinematography. This was a cool ass cool movie that’ll probably trigger some people who professionally … Continue reading
Well, hell. This isn’t a very good movie but it has a wild and weird ending that kind of knocks it up a notch. I just wish I knew if they meant it the way I took it. The film … Continue reading
If I were to rate The Cellar exclusively on one of it’s ideas, it’d be a stellar rave. But that idea is so subsumed by mediocre attempts at atmosphere and scares that no amount of clever inception can make this … Continue reading