I sometimes wonder why I do this to myself… why we do this to ourselves. Odds were very low this was going to be a good movie, yet I hit play with hope that this movie, this time I’ll have stumbled upon a diamond … Continue reading
I sometimes wonder why I do this to myself… why we do this to ourselves. Odds were very low this was going to be a good movie, yet I hit play with hope that this movie, this time I’ll have stumbled upon a diamond … Continue reading
Ron’s Gone Wrong asks the all-important question: What if Baymax was an aggravating dick? Happily, this movie answers that question: It’d be teeth-gratingly annoying and make me physically ill. Yay. Ron’s Gone Wrong is about a megacorporation that releases personalized … Continue reading
In no governance, social contract, business dealing, association, casual understanding, or agreement should this damn movie have been 2 hrs 15 minutes long. That’s just cruelly indulgent and frustrating and oh my god make it stop! Not since the good … Continue reading
Wow. This movie is what happens when someone thinks they understand what the hu-mans want in a cerebral scientifical fictionalized account for motion picture films. Risen is about a small town in Pennsylvania that gets hit by a meteorite, poisoning … Continue reading
I guess the deluge of half and 1 star reviews wasn’t clue enough for me to stay away from this turkey. But why would I start saving my time and sanity by NOT watching bad films, amiright? The Resort is … Continue reading
To crib from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, this movie is hereby subtitled, “Pigging out at the All-You-Can-Eat Moron Bar.” Which is kind of sad since I thought everything that happens up to the first shark attack is pretty good. Decent … Continue reading
First Date is a desperate film. Desperately trying to be hip, edgy, daring, and funny but coming off as a trying way WAY too hard. It reminds me of a copy of a copy of a 90s era post Pulp … Continue reading
This is what I got vaccinated for? This is what I get when I go back to the theater? This is what Hollywood decides is a theatrical-only experience? Sure, sure. Bad horror movies are a dime a dozen, but they … Continue reading
When just about everything goes wrong with a movie, you get Redemption Day. It’s a wannabe Jack Ryan/Tom Clancy geopolitical thriller that doesn’t have the smarts for those ambitions. It’s poorly directed and mushily edited, the acting is sometimes pretty … Continue reading
Following the literal rapture, people are isolated to their towns and totalitarian rule is established. The rumored existence of a door in the desert leading those left behind to salvation results in some risking their lives and freedom to escape. … Continue reading