I don’t know where Moonshot came from and I’m not sure why it ranks an HBO Max release. It feels like a Disney Channel show or a particularly average Netflix original. But, no, it earns its way onto HBO Max … Continue reading
I don’t know where Moonshot came from and I’m not sure why it ranks an HBO Max release. It feels like a Disney Channel show or a particularly average Netflix original. But, no, it earns its way onto HBO Max … Continue reading
I Am Mortal is a decent if derivative and dopey sci-fi YA movie. It’s set in a future where mankind has been given the gift of immortality… only one guy thinks maybe life is only worth living if its limited. … Continue reading
Against the Ice is a semi-successful, kind of long, kind of dull Netflix film based on true events. Denmark sends a ship to Greenland to find a previously failed expedition. The captain and an unqualified engineer embark with sled dogs … Continue reading
I think I’m going to have to rate this movie on a curve. It’s a bleak, dark, atmospheric film to be sure, but either it’s TOO bleak and TOO dark or there was a projection problem in my theater because … Continue reading
I hate to tell an ambitious movie to pick a lane… but, seriously, this movie needs to pick a lane. The movie starts with one set of disturbing behavior and ends with a whole new bunch of freaky weirdness. Is … Continue reading
Redeeming Love is a deliberately old fashioned romance… which includes a host of things an old-fashioned romance wouldn’t have had. It’s about a proustite (named Angel) working in a bordello in 1850 gold rush California. Her blonde hair and purty … Continue reading
I hated, hated, hated 2/3rds of this anime. But I liked the ending… or, rather, I liked every ending they kept adding to the movie, thus somehow solidifying my opinion the flick is an absolute mess while also making me … Continue reading
Ohhhh… you mean like BAR TENDER. Humor. Arr-arr. I think that’s about the length and breadth of the human condition I got out of this coming-of-age flick. It’s not a terrible movie or anything, but it really doesn’t make a … Continue reading
The 355 is about a team of female agents, each from a different country’s intelligence agency, working together (eventually) to retrieve the most McGuffiny of McGuffins. A doohickey that lets baddies hack anything… cause planes to explode mid-air, shut down … Continue reading
I did NOT laugh fairly often at this scathing, brutal faux-documentary about the 2021 that we all know and hate. Hosted by an interesting list of actors playing fake talking heads, it takes a brutal, direct, and perhaps one-sided assault … Continue reading