Halloween Kills
Halloween Kills is kind of a mess. It’s ambitious and I appreciate the decision to try to take the franchise in a different direction. To not make the same movie or the standard slasher film all over again. And I … Continue reading
Halloween Kills is kind of a mess. It’s ambitious and I appreciate the decision to try to take the franchise in a different direction. To not make the same movie or the standard slasher film all over again. And I … Continue reading
It’s hard to like a movie when it pulls a complete genre rope-a-dope on you. When it has to lie to tell its story, regardless of how important that story is. But I’m sure they used this horror movie Trojan … Continue reading
I was surprised – given it’s reputation so far – how much I enjoyed Bingo Hell. In fact, I thought the comedic tone with serious social issues in the first half was very good. But when it gets down to … Continue reading
Well, I thought Titane was my daily dose of 2021 weirdness but I guess I have to contend with Lamb now. This is its own special case of WTFery. Helps I went in without the trailer which apparently spoils the … Continue reading
I haven’t been a huge fan of the V/H/S series and, in fact, gave Viral the highest score and that seems to be a very unpopular opinion. But I thought this new film, while uneven, a pretty good continuation and … Continue reading
Black as Night is a new Amazon Prime vampire flick produced by Blumhouse pictures. I’m guessing this is a continuation of 2020s random horror movies that got put directly into Prime. And I’m not surprised it didn’t go theatrical. The … Continue reading
Summer ’03 is a teenage coming of age film like many others… though maybe a little more off-kilter and a little more raunchy than some. Not by a country mile, but certainly it has some naughtiness. None of its amazing … Continue reading
For a decent amount of time, I found this… documentary?… pretty decent. But the longer it went, the more shallow, repetitive, and disorganized it felt. The flick is hosted by Rob Lowe and his iffy script as he goes through … Continue reading
I was constantly up and down and down and up on this movie… I couldn’t decide if I low-key enjoyed it or if I was actively bored. Seemed to shift every ten minutes. So it’s a real mixed bag but … Continue reading
Well, I give Joe Bell all the credit for being earnest. I feel like the filmmakers weren’t playing this cynic in the least. But I also think they confused earnest with interesting. The film stars Mark Wahlberg as a (real-life) … Continue reading