A.I. Love Your

A.I. Love You is a Thai language Netflix sci-fi rom-com… and I think it’s safe to say you don’t get too many of those. And it’s half nice to half report it’s half-way a decent but derpy romantic comedy and then half-way a pretty derpy sci-fi film before it decides to become a cyberpunk action thriller in the disastrous final act.

So it’s a sci-fi rom-com cyberpunk kung-fu movie. That’s pretty rare.

The flick is about an AI controlled office building that falls in love with one the female workers. When a technician tries to fix the AI’s programming, it winds up downloading into his brain. Now flesh and blood, he fish-out-of-waters his way to the girl he loves.

Did I mention it’s also a fish-out-of-water comedy? Yeah, a fish-out-of-water rom-com sci-fi cyberpunk kung-fu movie. Also pretty rare.

This movie is kind of stupid but, at least for awhile, kind of charmingly so. As a rom-com, it’s iffy. Sometimes it’s got some charm but too often there’s just not enough chemistry between the stars. As a fish-out-of-water comedy, it’s got some ok moments as the AI learns how to be human (and how to get chicks). The movie was churning along doggedly to being just a semi-sweet, dopy little trifle of a flick.

Before they introduce the cyberpunk rogue AI hunter. And the movie just falls flat. At first I thought the hunter with his hi-tech shades was meant to be satire… kind of an anti-Terminator (which is weirdly apt since I’m currently rewatching those movies). But the longer it goes, the more satire drops away from the movie until it appears to be an unfortunate attempt at something serious. And it’s dire. Grim. Boring. Tedious. It wrecks whatever goodwill the movie had oozed into my brain. And the kung-fu action… not so great.

So… meh… it’s kind of sometimes a decent movie as a goofy sci-fi comedy and rom-com but then self-sabotages. I’d avoid it unless you really want to see some genres get scrambled. It definitely does that well.

Score: 68