Angry Birds Movie 2, The

I also checked out The Angry Birds Movie 2 (or the Angry Birds 2 Movie… or 2 Angry 2 Birds… har!). I hated, hated, hated the first Angry Birds movie but this sequel has been getting some inexplicably good reviews so I decided to give it a shot…. though, to be honest, I’d have seen it regardless. I just happened to go in with some hope.
Which was dashed very quickly. I’m not sure why this has a respectable Rotten Tomatoes score or some reviewers I’ve read/watched say it’s better than the first and actually very funny. I didn’t think it was any better – and is kind of worse – than the first flick. Yeah, it’s just a dumb kids cartoon based on a video game so maybe I’m not the target audience… but even the dumbest kids movie can manage to not be insufferably annoying (and full of piss jokes).
To be slightly fair, there are some attempts to be creative here, I just think they all fell flat. There’s obvious attempts to reference Looney Tunes in some scenes and I credit it slightly for the attempt. I didn’t laugh. At all. But there’s a lot of pratfalls and physical comedy that I rarely ever find amusing (for example, not a Three Stooges fan) so your results may vary.
I generally came away thinking this is just another lowest common denominator kids movie. The kind of “why bother trying” type stuff that infests non-Disney and Non-Pixar movies. Sure, it’s probably good enough to make the kids stop shouting for ninety minutes but (standing on soap box) I think we all – including the kids – deserve better.
Score: 54