Banana Split

Rented a teen indie comedy called Banana Splits on iTunes. It’s a new release, but one always intended for streaming (so the price is reasonable).
Banana Split is about a teen girl who breaks up with her boyfriend, meets his new girlfriend at a party intending to hate her, and they quickly become best friends. That’s the basic premise… two pals, one who is dating the other’s ex. And I wish the movie focused on the charming and sweet friendship between the two and had a different plot.
Because the two lead actresses are very appealing – they are fun and charismatic together but the time bomb plot assures that we’re in for some contrived drama. So same characters, different drama would have made this one so much better.
I’d recommend this one to anyone looking for a good (and sometimes raunchy) teen comedy about friendship. It works for most of the run time… and it’s possible the drama over the wooden block of a boy they dated/are dating will appeal to you. I wished for… not necessarily more, just different.
Score: 76