Beautiful Disaster

Beautiful Disaster is undeniably a terrible movie… but there’s also high camp value that might… juuuust might… win you over. Watch it with some friends, boo hiss, cheer, laugh, mock, and throw popcorn and it could be a great time. This is hypothetical for me though since I just thought it was terrible. But extra half star for potential?

The flick is about a former child gambling superstar who abandons the life and goes to college where she meets the campus fight club hero. Yes, the campus has a fight club that friends take you to on your first day and a boy will take you to on your first date. As one does. Anyhow, the girl and the cage fighter hate each other but, of course, fall in love… and then a whole other movie happens in the second half.

I hate hate hate hate these two shallow assholes. He’s the kind of arrogant prick that we’re assured all the women love because women love confidence. But he’s really just an asshole. She’s… pretty much that too. Their relationship makes me respect the nuance and practicality of the After franchise. I really hate BOTH of these nincompoops.

And the film is a comedy too… a very broad comedy. We’re talking worst of the worst network tv sitcom levels of bad. It’s embarrassingly bad. When people throw around “cringe” in their reviews, they don’t know what they are talking about. Watch this film for your cringe comedy lessons. It’s… so bad. Though, hey, if you’re with your friends and a bucket of popcorn…

But half way through the movie, the two idiots actually fall out of hate and into love and at least they become more tolerable. Then a whole other plot involving gambling in Vegas (and more kickboxing) wanders into the flick. And it’s bad too but at least more interesting than the Toxic Avenger of romances. I’m embarrassed to even say that the flick became more watchable.

So… maybe come for the high value camp and watch it with your friends? Or not. Probably better you don’t. It’s bad and painful to watch and I hated both leads for the first half of the flick and only tolerated them in the second. Skip.

Score: 62