Beautiful Wedding

Beautiful Wedding is the unexpected sequel to the pretty bad – but campy – Beautiful Disaster. Not sure who was asking for a sequel but sometimes chumps like me fall for it… so… I guess the producers?

This one follows the same ninnies from the first film who accidentally get married and accidentally go to Mexico for the honeymoon (and the bachelor and bachelorette parties too (which somehow involve cock fights and lucha libre (because that’s what happens in Mexico))).

There’s camp value in the first film that went to their heads in this one. They have ejected the “serious” aspects like the MMA fights and random gambling subplots and instead lean hard on the camp. At first I was respecting the effort… clearly people hate-watched the original and had fun with it so give ’em what they want. But somehow they leaned too hard into the camp and went all the way to try-hard cringe.

It was never a smart film but it eventually its gets real dumb… I’m talking cartoon character levels of stupid. These actors are asked to do things and make silly sounds that made me second-hand embarrassed for them as actors. They should call their reps and have a serious conversation about where their careers are going.

There’s no particular plot other than a straight-up rom com story about ninnies at a resort… the Vegas gambling story comes in briefly and leaves just as fast… and while that plot seemed out of left field the first time, I was actually hoping for more of it this time. Anything to get away from the dumb, insipid, stupid, noise of everything else.

So despite the fact they decided to go all in on the campy rom-com stuff that made the first movie tolerable, they went too far and made a worse, less tolerable garbage film. We don’t need a trilogy… please say it’s over.

Score: 56