Before I Go To Sleep

So Nicole Kidman and Colin Firth star in a super-secret movie the studio apparently doesn’t want you to see even though it was released to theaters on Christmas. I may have seen a trailer for it six months ago but had forgotten it and hadn’t seen a commercial… so shhhh… this is embarrassing. It’s called Before I Go to Sleep and it’s about how a woman (Nicole Kidman) wakes up every morning without memory of the previous day… she had an accident 14 years earlier and cannot form new long-term memories. Yes, it’s 50 First Dates only as a suspense film (or, you know, like Memento only terrible). Someone may be lying to her.. is it her husband? Her secret doctor? Her best friend? Oh, who cares. It’s a bad, bad movie. End of review. Moving on with life.

Score: 59