Creed III

I’ve enjoyed the previous two Creed films quite a bit… even though I struggle to remember any details about Creed II (something something Drago). So I was intrigued by Creed III (but due to insane sleep issues, I wasn’t able to get out to theaters until today).

The flick starts with Adonis Creed retired from boxing and working with the next champ. But a ghost from his past (played by Jonathan Majors) shows up and you just know he’s up to no good. Does it wind up in a grudge match in the ring? Yup.

Johnathan Majors plays the guy from out of the past… and he puts on a happy face. But around the halfway point, the gloves come off and we get a really good look and at him and he’s brilliant. His heal turn feels so very Rocky franchise. Up to that point, you kind of know he’s rotten… and otherwise friendly scenes between him and Creed are pregnant with what they don’t say.

The film’s boxing scenes are good.. up until the final bout… which is AMAZING. I’m stepping on a land mine here, but probably the best in the franchise (including the Rocky films). And it’s a little because they put two charismatic men in the ring together, but mainly because of what Jordan (as director) does with a boxing match. We go from traditional boxing to surreal, mythic, and symbolic… this isn’t boxing, it’s a mythological throwdown between gods. It nails what we, the audience, want to see happen. It’s fantastic.

On the other hand, the EPIC look and feel isn’t quite earned in the plot. There’s a bit of story leapfrog going on. We don’t really get enough backstory between the two men. We get some flashbacks and there’s a great emotional explanation between Jordan and Tessa Thompson, but it’s not quite enough to justify the monumental final moments (which, screw it, are great regardless).

Plus I’d personally have liked to see more of the subplot about Creed’s adorable daughter and her trouble at school. But that’s not what most people paid to see so I’ll allow it.

But waving those misgivings aside, I thoroughly enjoyed this film. Some great camera work from Mr. B. Jordan, excellent acting, a great boo hiss villain, and a bout for the ages. This is a pretty great film.

Score: 90