Dumb Money

Dumb Money is an aspirational and maybe delusional bit of rabble rousing that covers the Gamestop stock pump that (temporarily) freaked out the Masters of the Universe in the stock market a couple years ago. It’s a fictional account with a Hollywood cast that’s at least better than the Gamestop documentary from 2022.

Despite the title, the film is on the side of the “dumb money” players. Dumb money being what the egotists in the stock market call the little guy… and the movie is totally hero worshipping that little guy. Maybe too much since the end text crawl seems pretty pie-in-the-sky about how the market was permanently changed. Odds that the power brokers haven’t completely moved to wipe out any advantages are high… but this movie doesn’t want you to think so.

But maybe I’m just cynical and maybe this film isn’t cynical enough. What it is though is a perfectly fine recounting of the events from the POV of the guy who thought this whole thing up, a few powerful brokers, and probably one too many little people who bought into the whole thing. I’m not sure who I’d cut, but the movie could use a little trimming to keep the repetition down.

It’s a fine adaptation of the story and worth watching, especially if you want to feel some righteous anger. I was amused at the old couple sitting behind me when WAP came on at the start of the flick…

Score: 76