
Personally, I’m more of a Charlotte. More of a Jane Eyre than a Wuthering Heights… but that’s neither here nor there in this tale of Emily Bronte and how she eventually got around to writing Wuthering Heights.

I probably should have loved this movie, but ultimately came down on just liking it. Certainly it nails this weird, eerie gothic tone with a soundscape that’s delivered right out of a horror movie (as befits, I suppose, the haunting Wuthering Heights). Sometimes it gets a little overkill given that this isn’t actually a supernatural or gothic romance.

But I found the characters a little cold and mannered and I certainly found the film overlong and a little tedious at times. Here I was in the theater hoping that the movie would end as she puts quill to parchment and pens the words Wuthering Heights, Chapter 1… but the movie goes on. And on.

And if you don’t know who all these Bronte sisters are, the movie has very little interest in explaining. But, to be fair, probably only those in the know are going to watch the movie in the first place. Me? It makes me wonder if I should read something from poor old Anne.

The movie is watchable, has commendable acting, and a great moody atmosphere (bordering on murky but that could have been the theater’s projector). It’s watchable and I think other people have gotten more out of it than me and my impatience.

Score: 75