Fallen (2022)

Fallen is about a priest (hilariously named Abraham Fallen) who takes on a holy mission in a world fallen into darkness. Except I guess he decided not to do that and instead shacked up in the middle of nowhere and took care of his invalid daughter. Meanwhile, demonic rejects from The Descent lurk about his door.

Sooooo… the radio announces a darkness has descending on the nation, there are riots in the street, the death count is rising (trust them: they don’t have the budget to show all that). But the darkness sure looks like an overcast sky during the day. Is this a spiritual darkness… maybe it’s just seasonal affective disorder? Maybe those aren’t pale demons at the door but people in desperate need of a tanning bed?

This film is just shockingly inept. It’s full of terrible acting, bad writing, and technical incompetence. There are conversations in the movie where nothing anyone says seems to be in reaction to what someone else says. The sounds effects and sound mixing are often off and the soundtrack is just bizarre. Seriously, the score is so overwrought, you’ll wind up wondering what it’s so excited about.

This is incompetence made manifest on screen. Stay as far away as possible. Nothing went right in the making of this film.

Score: 54