Fitting In

Fitting In is a coming-of-age film about a teen girl who discovers that she was born with some internal female parts missing. She has a choice to tell her friend and boyfriend about her differences or keep it a secret… which is difficult since she wants to have sex with her boyfriend that may require months of at-home therapy to, ahem, make room… or outright surgery.

It’s a tough topic and this dramady handles it with courage, class, and laughs. Not laughs at the expense of those with unique biology – it’s not punching down or pointing and laughing. But life is funny and this film knows how to have fun while also being warm, honest, earnest, and truthful.

She’s just missing some lady bits so this film would be an interesting watch for some of our more reactionary friends and family. Not everyone is born with the perfect biologies… and maybe sometimes surgery can help, sometimes it can’t, and sometimes someone just might not want it. But *gasp* it’s the choice of the human being alone.

Not that the movie lectures… it just tells her story and, yeah, we get her telling off some assholes… but if anyone comes away offended or lectured, then they brought it with them.

I kind of loved this film. Not everyone fits the mold… so sometimes we need new molds.

Score: 88