
Well, I took a gamble that a 2024 out-of-nowhere digital rental horror flick might be decent… and I kind of wanted some new werewolf action…. so I blame only myself for rotting my brain with this mediocrity. Sigh.

Hellhounds is about werewolf bikers in the American Southwest… though there aren’t very many actual werewolves… or bikers… or motorcycles for that matter. Instead it’s about a (human) bounty hunter and a hairy biker who team up to track someone down… and a young guy who gets turned into a werewolf by a hot chick… and some randos who get kidnapped. The plots don’t cross paths for quite some time.

This is clearly a low budget film… and I’d like to give it credit for its hard-scrabble approach to filmmaking. But I can’t. The movie’s just bad. It’s got laughable dialog and erratic acting from its cast of novices. As a werewolf movie, it barely does the assignment… often just playing around with tired “I’ve just been turned into a werewolf” tropes.

The all-important wolfout transformations are laughable… mostly just super rapid CGI morphs from bad actor into bad actor wearing a wolf mask. Not that they wolf out very often and, when they do, the wolf-on-human and wolf-on-wolf violence is sluggish, unimpressive, or simply handled off-screen.

Yeah, there’s nothing good in this flick and it barely manages to eke out a bottom of the barrel score for the occasional almost decent moment and, for the most part, having a lucid story. Though its muddled mess of a finale and laughable promise of a sequel are the best worst parts of the movie.

Score: 55