Honk for Jesus. Save Your Soul.

Honk for Jesus. Save Your Soul is flick is about a pastor and first lady of a megachurch going through a scandal. They need to reopen, to put the scandal behind them, to get their parishioners back, to save their bank accounts. They invite a camera crew to follow them around and present a version of who they are to the world.

Regina Hall and Sterling K. Brown are 100% their characters and elevate this dramady/mocumentary above its station. If they weren’t present and if they weren’t giving it their all, the comedy would be too spotty and the drama too loose that it would have been, at best, a decent watch.

Yeah, I chuckled a decent number of times at the satire and side-eye glances… but mainly felt it was too much of a drama to be properly labeled a comedy. That said, satirizing con artist pastors of megachurches is low-handing fruit that I easily picked up on… but I’m not steeped in the culture of megachurches so there’s probably some jokes that sailed over my head. For those who are A) more into this sort of thing who are also B) willing to watch a movie mocking them, this might be so much more funny.

But enough of the film is a straight drama about a marriage barely hanging on and a desperate attempt to sell salvation that ultimately sold me. Not a strong sale, but watching Brown turn on and off the huckster pastor persona and Hall tear it up in a monolog at the end of the film was super impressive. These two know their characters and sell the hell out of them.

I’m kind of mixed on this one but the chuckles and the admiration for two fine performances were enough to push this over the edge. It’s a good, if uneven, flick.

Score: 80