Iron Claw, The

My level of interest in an ’80s true story of a family of professional wrestlers was vanishingly small. I have little interest in real pro wrestling and its storylines though I have seen a few good wrestling movies and docs so I figured it might have something going for it. Plus, you know, the showtime was right.

The flick is about the Von Erich wrestling clan – four boys and their dad trying to make it in the world of pro wrestling. And the family curse that keeps giving them the whammy.

Call it “Life in the World Wrestling with Depression Federation” and you’ve got this movie down. It’s rare to subject yourself to such a misery fest… but I think the majority of good movies about wrestling are kind of sad. This one wallows in that sadness and despondency.

I kept thinking they should, as a family, do anything but pro wrestling since it seems to be the source of all their misery. But it’s based on a true story so they do what they’re good at, I guess.

Zac Efron plays the eldest brother and gets most of the main story bits… the romance, the drama, the weeping, etc. He’s good and still in very good shape in case you were wondering and/or wanting to see him in his briefs a lot. I have no idea if he looks or performs like the real Von Erich son but he was convincing enough for me.

It’s a good movie for what it is… wallowing in human misery around a “sport” that takes more than it gives. I can’t say I enjoyed it, but I appreciated its dedication to making me feel bad.

Score: 81