Legion of Super-Heroes

Legion of Super-Heroes is a Supergirl origin story of sorts… Supergirl landed on Earth a few months earlier but is having a hard time adjusting to Earth’s primitive culture. So Superman sends her to the 31st century to attend a superhero academy. <scratches head> Must be a comic book thing.

As far as DC animated superhero flicks go, this one is pretty mid range. The art and animation is about their usual simple style but with dark, thick lines which was a nice touch. The story is fine… the idea of a superhero school (even if its set in the future) works… though that means we get a lot of random characters with iffy power sets (who might be comics accurate, i suppose). This isn’t Supergirl hanging out with The Flash or Aquaman… it’s Supergirl hangs out with BouncyBoy and ArmsFellOffBoy.

There are some cool moments here and there… but the movie really drags in the third act. There’s a cool reveal regarding the villain(s), but somehow that’s the end of the good times and the movie just slogs its way toward an unsurprising end.

Decent movie, for the most part though. Not hardly the best DC animated effort but I’ve seen worse. It’s alright. Could have used more familiar faces though.

Score: 74