Lego Brickumentary, A

The Lego documentary cleverly called A Lego Brickumentary is good. Not great, but good.

It has a bunch of stories about Lego and some are far more interesting than others. Like the scientist responsible for the NSAS Pathfinder robot on Mars who is super into Lego who discovers the fandom only after building his own bot out of bricks.

Also, the flick talk about Lego fan-movies and you get a very slight whiff of snobbery about the official Lego Movie which was largely done with CGI (I didn’t realize that – I thought they supplemented a lot of CGI but that a lot of it was real… but apparently not).

The best bit is when they said Lego the company was in serious financial problems ten years ago because they had been building sets with such specialized pieces that it was barely Lego any more… and damn if that’s not exactly what I’ve said for years (I still do but apparently the current trend is less specialized pieces in their kits… which might even be true).

So, yeah, it’s kind of worth a watch. Wished it had a bit more history and it does ignore the Lego video games but that’s kind of understandable.

Score: 82