LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special, The

The LEGO Holiday Star Wars Special is a bit of a goof in that usual Lego kind of way and that’s alright. I’d say it’s not nearly on the level of the LEGO Movie or some of the other productions but it’s certainly not bad. And, hey, any official Star Wars property that name-checks Life Day and dances up to that original Holiday Special gets a few points in my book.

So this flick follows Rey as she tries to train Finn to be a Jedi. Meanwhile, Po, 3PO, R2, Chewie, and others (like Rose who gets shafted on screen time again) plan for the Life Day celebration (on Kashyyyk of course). Rey isn’t doing so good with the training so she jets off to a Jedi temple, finds a time traveling crystal, and pops into dozens of past Star Wars time lines (yes, it pulls a Red Letter Media Episode IX prediction).

Hey, look, 50% of this show is just a lark – an excuse – to meander through classic Star Wars sequences in Lego form and poke some jokes. Nothing wrong with that except maybe some of the jokes are a little easy and a little lazy. But it’s not a total loss… and it is setup for a pretty entertaining chaotic time-busting chase sequence and then an entertaining meeting of the big heroes and big villains. That final sequence with multiple Lukes and Dark Side baddies was not only funny but genuinely entertaining Star Wars content (as long as you don’t think too much about how it breaks the space-time continuum… but this is Star Wars, let’s not work about physics and logic now!).

So yeah, if you got yer Disney+, give this little 45 minute lark a shot. I think it’s good fun (sometimes just good enough fun) to waste the time and get some good natured yuks out of the franchise.

Score: 78