Lego Star Wars Summer Vacation

Lego Star Wars Summer Vacation barely hangs together as a short bit of fuzzy-headed comedy. I was marginally amused at times but most of the jokes were predictable and done before.

The flick is marginally about the cast of the sequel trilogy going on vacation and Finn being taught the True Meaning of Vacation by various Force ghosts. Each ghosts gives a different vacation-themed short story that are (abra cadabra) teach Finn a valuable lesson about vacations and friendship.

I mean… I guess? I’ve only seen one other Lego Star Wars special and that was a fun if flighty little trip down Star Wars memory lane too. But this one just feels so disjointed and random that all the familiar gags and reused lines in the galaxy just weren’t connecting.

Still… it looks great. I mean, I’d be shocked if any LEGO-branded movie or short got lazy and delivered ugly visuals. And I did smirk a few times though never got moved to laughter.

This one feels phoned in. It can pretty much be skipped.

Score: 70