Murder Mystery 2

Now this is more like it. I caught up with the original 2019 Murder Mystery earlier today and found it… tolerable. OKish. But this sequel is the exact kind of bad Adam Sandler / Netflix comedy I was expecting. Intolerably unfunny at a grueling 80 minutes (thanks again to a patented Netflix ten minutes credit scenes).

So Murder Mystery 2 returns to our married couple (Sandler and Aniston) now making a go of it as actual private investigators. It isn’t going well so they take an offer for yet another European vacation… that ends in crime. Can our… blah blah blah…

This is one of those comedies that makes you wonder if anyone – the writer, the director, the actors – even understand what comedy is. Just one unfunny random aside joke after another. And they have kind of dropped most of the “average Americans who read too many crime novels” thing which made the first slightly amusing.

I suppose I can credit a pretty decent – if overly long – sequence on the Eiffel Tower. I thought it looked good, even if it had very little to do with a murder mystery comedy. It felt like they were trying too hard to emulate an action spy thriller instead of sticking to their assigned genre. Maybe the movie got bored with itself?

Meh: The Movie starring a couple people who I expect about this from (Sandler) and more from (Aniston). It’s completely forgettable and barely watchable.

Score: 62