Night of the Hunted

Besides being audacious enough to call itself Night of the Hunted (Robert Mitchum is not amused), this film has the audacity to both-sides” a brutal showdown between a right-wing conspiracy nut and a lefty Big Pharma rep. It asks who is responsible for the state of America when maybe it should look in the mirror and say “media like this sure ain’t helping”.

The film is about a woman who stops at an out-of-the-way gas station in the middle of the night and is targeted by a sniper. Now she has to survive and find out what the madman wants.

I’m going to rate this movie purely on how effective it as a survival thriller. On that basis alone, it’s tight, it’s tense, and it generates some thrills. It’s not the best of small location game of cat ‘n mouse story, but it accomplishes what it sets out to do.

That said, its also takes place under a huge billboard that reads “GODISNOWHERE” which is a play on words I’ve seen done more effectively in other media and in memes. It made me roll my eyes at how edgy and original the flick thought it was. But as the shooter starts to spill right-wing Alex Jones, anti-vax, MAGA-inspired talking points it started to make more sense.

A particular type of right-winger will either listen to the shooter and agree, thinking “finally someone in Hollywood gave me a voice” OR they’ll feel targeted by more left wing propaganda. A lefty will either think “about time they exposed these crazies” or find the film unforgivable for giving voice to conspiracy trolls. Centrists will just throw up their hands at the lot of them.

So, no, this film doesn’t solve America’s problems and likely just adds to them. But if you can ignore the both sides propaganda and just watch a decent suspense thriller, you might enjoy it. Or you might find the very idea of entertaining this garbage offensive. Who knows. This film doesn’t nor does it care.

Score: 76