Please Don’t Destroy: The Treasure of Foggy Mountain

Well, that’s what I get for cutting the cord and going all digital for my entertainment. Haven’t watched SNL in a few years and then I just now find out these dorks snuck up and produced some funny digital shorts for the show. Which means I came into their movie A) oblivious to what in hell the title meant, and B) ignorant of who these three sad virgins were.

They are, as it turns out, a trio of clueless, oblivious nerdy millennials hopped up on hip-hop and their own imaginary awesomeness. They realize they have the map to a hidden treasure so set out to find it, Indiana Jones style. If Indian Jones globe-trotted to the woods on the other side of town… and had no discernible skills.

This is a deeply, deeply stupid movie and it’s gets funnier the dumber it gets. I didn’t laugh all that much but sometimes these dimwits pull of something so braindead that it broke down my cynical walls and made me chuckle. The same material in the hands of less creative bozos would have been an unmitigated disaster.

I knew there was something fishy when Conan O’Brien showed up for them. But, then again, David Letterman showed up for Chris Elliot’s travesty Cabin Boy… so late night hosting duties are not an indicator of quality. And also John Goodman lazily narrates…

It says something that it inspired me to Google them and watch their Three Sad Virgins SNL short. Welcome to goddamn 2021, me. Pop culture kept on trucking… does that mean I need to pay for tv again? Jeepers.

Anyhow… this movie, man. It’s so gleefully stupid it’s hard to hate… and maybe hard to recommend because their stupidly inspired comedy certainly can’t work for everyone. It only half worked for me. But that half was amused enough to give it a generally positive review.

Score: 77