Sadness, The

The Sadness is not the bloodiest or goriest movie I’ve ever seen, but it’s up there. It’s not the sickest and most depraved movie either but some scenes make a valiant effort. Ironically, good taste is probably the only thing keeping it from top spot… and that’s saying something. But it cuts away on certain acts that might otherwise only be see on certain 4chan boards.

Set in Taiwan, it follows a couple who need to reconnect after a viral outbreak turns most everyone into rage-filled sadistic maniacs who will just as well tear your flesh off and eat you as they will rape you to death. Because both are painful and violating and that’s what they crave.

This is basically a zombie movie by way of a 28 Days Later-like rage virus… so if you are pedantic about your classifications, keep that in mind. But it’s also not a rage virus… more of a sadism virus… and sometimes a sadomasochism virus. These crazies want to make you hurt… and sometimes will tell you so.

This movie only need be watched by people who appreciate and enjoy extreme splatter cinema. I think most people will be sickened by this thing… so if you are the kind of person who looks out for those extreme horror flicks, you should look this one up. It’s on Shudder right now, so have at it.

The rest will want to steer clear. If you prefer good taste or maybe just your good old fashioned flesh eating zombies (or no zombies at all), then there’s better films to see.

Is this a good movie then? Yeah, it actually is (as long as you can stomach it). But it’s not a great movie. It’s effective and bloody and horrific but it doesn’t quite reach a human level of caring or provide a particularly interesting storyline. I know I was supposed to be rooting for this couple to finally meet up again, but the movie’s emotional core just isn’t there. And the plot is just enough to get us from scene to scene with a modicum of social commentary about the pandemic (the actual pandemic, I mean).

But it’s still an effective splatterfest if that’s something you’re keen on.

Score: 82