
Shortcomings is an indie Asian American rom-com that exists in a world where a glossy big budget Asian American rom-com makes it easier for indie Asian American rom-coms to get made. It’s a cute bit of meta commentary about Crazy Rich Asians that borders on insufferable… except that it’s equal parts character development. And for a movie that’s a character study, it’s a pretty smart introduction.

The film stars Justin Min as a judgmental film nerd asshole. He’s in a relationship (and constantly arguing) with his girlfriend played by Ally Maki. When she gets an internship out of state, they go on a break and he starts dating other girls. Too bad change is hard when everyone else is the problem.

This is a pretty blunt and brave film. The main character is an insufferable jackass who we either want to improve or wallow in his righteous indignation while everyone abandons him. It’s a tight rope because I wanted every woman in his life to realize they deserve better while also enjoying the performances.

I enjoyed the side characters just as much, each with their own flaws. I wanted Ally Maki to run and keep on running while I wished sainthood on the main character’s best friend (as played by Sherry Cola). Cola’s on her own tight-rope as someone just a little bit better than Min.

The film understands how imperfect people can be without being bad human beings. All the actors deliver AND its uncomfortably funny and occasionally sweet. I think many of us will see parts of ourselves in these characters… as much as we’d like to deny it. The film could have gone very wrong… and I imagine some people will hate it for its characters. I did not.

Score: 88