Spring (2014)

Spring is about a young American who takes a break from his life in an extended vacation in Rome. He meets a beautiful, mysterious Italian girl who has an expansive, supernatural secret. 

Moorehead and Benson are working on a whole different level… not always successfully, but always interestingly. Spring is their most traditional film and my favorite of theirs. 

The romance is grounded and believable (even if she’s waaaay out of his league). I liked their scene together; they clicked and made the film work (that and some very beautiful Italian scenery). I also enjoyed the supernatural turn it takes and how it doesn’t truly shake the foundations of the romance. It gives it focus and direction while also adding intrigue and wonder. 

My only real problem is that she’s amazing and beautiful… and he’s some dude from California. I don’t know if he brought enough to the table to justify the end of the film. He’s asking a lot and maybe it’s just that I’m not programmed to love dudes but I never liked what he was asking of her. But what do I know from romance?

I do know from comedy and the flick takes a weird turn in its final act. It doesn’t become Police Academy… but it adds some absurdist humor. It fits the story and history but it springs (har) from seemingly nowhere. 

Overall a very good film with a slight tick burrowing under my skin at the end. I’ll allow it because I see what they were going for even if it didn’t quite work for me.

Score: 87