Stan Lee

Perhaps its due to seeing too many Stan Lee docs already (and reading his book Excelsior) but this latest Disney+ doc did very little for me. About the only thing new it brings to the table of the man’s life is in the last few minutes where we get some footage from the sets of his MCU cameos. Everything else is old hat.

But, hey, if you haven’t seen those others docs, then this might be a great introductions. And while thinking about Disney+ producing a documentary about Stan Lee feels like white-washing mayonnaise, the film does take some time to be honest about some of the professional disagreements between him, Steve Ditko, and Jack Kirby.

Told mainly through dioramas and archival interviews, the film goes through Stan’s life and career at Marvel. It’s pretty cool that it opens up on a mystery man… actually a young Stan Lee without mustache and age lines. But you can’t mistake that voice… a hammy huckster (in a good way) if there ever was one. The film certainly gets his bigger-than-life personality on screen.

I’m just not convinced the doc needs to exist… but anything is someone’s first so I’ll give it a bit of a pass for being good enough.

Score: 75