Stop and Go

When this movie stars and I see BuzzFeed Studios in the opening credits, I thought… “Curious…” and then a little “Uh oh”. Not that I hate BuzzFeed… but it’s got a style and a mood that doesn’t care if you are not in their age (or gender) demographic. And I was a little right.

Stop and Go is one Covid-Ass Covid Movie. It’s a comedy about two sisters struggling through the opening days of lockdown. Then they decide they need to take a cross-country road trip to rescue their grannie from a nursing home before she catches and dies of the disease. Imagine the comic hijinks!

This movie is, as BuzzFeed itself might say, a lot. The two leads – who are the writers, editors, and directors – are certainly enthusiastic and game for all the jokes and bits this movie provides. And by provides, I mean stands on top of a soapbox with a clown wig on its head singing the Stars and Stripes. They really want to make noise, make an impression, and make you laugh.

And it’s a bit much for this jaded, surly, curmudgeon of a Gen Xer. The movie feels like its trying to beat anyone over the age of 30 about the face and the head… daring us Olds to identify and jam with these young pups.

That said, the movie mostly work for me. It took me a few minutes to gel with their creativity and sense of humor… but I got there. Sometimes the schtick and the gags made me chuckle and once, brace yourselves, it made me laugh. Out loud even.

I think this movie is… charming? Out there, definitely. But maybe charming too. It commits to itself. I mostly enjoyed it and, when I wasn’t, it wasn’t like I was tied naked to a chair with some nasty villain whacking me with a knotted rope. It was still watchable, bordering on teeth-gritting cute.

Score: 77