Takeover, The

Interest in saying anything about this blandly below average Netflix technothriller is quite low. When they put so little effort into their ’90s internet paranoia throwback thriller, I barely want to lift a handful of fingers to half-heartedly rip into it.

But we’ll go through the motions. The Takeover is a particularly inaccurate title of a new thriller out of the Netherlands. In it, a hacker hacks the wrong hackers and hacking hacking hacking happens. Hacking! It’s what’s for dinner. Soon the police and assassins (who are probably hackers) are trying to hack her. Har. Comedy.

The film started with a whiff of the ’90s movie Hackers which is both a chortle-worthy positive and an eye-rolling negative. But that vibe quickly gets syphoned away to leave this bland nothingburger of a movie. Add in some annoyingly unnecessary characters (like the dipshit boyfriend) and I didn’t even want the characters to not get nabbed.

Also, odds of anyone on the writing or directing team really understanding computers: low.

Yeah, this is mediocrity at its most low-effort mediocre. It doesn’t even have the courtesy of being aggressively bad or cheesy… it’s just… dull.

Score: 65