Through My Window 3: Looking at You

Welcome back to “Why do you do this to yourself theater”… this week it’s the final part in the Through My Window trilogy. Netflix promises this is the end so I’m going to believe them and get this turkey franchise off my bingo card.

The flick – once again – follows the good girl who is now a published writer and the bad boy neighbor… but they start the movie separated due to whatever random nonsense happened last movie that I’ve forgotten (and I’m too lazy to research).

And angst angst angst they get together again. Then they have a dumb melodramatic finale. The End.

Cynicism aside… oh wait… no cynicism still active. Sorry. This is a boring, bad movie. I kind of liked the first one but they’ve been spinning their wheels of this tiresome will-they-won’t-they thing. I kind of sort of was slightly engaged with them for a tiny bit but they had to go and keep pushing all the side character’s stories… which… hell… I don’t remember who these people are from the vacuous air ball that was the second movie.

So… whatever. It’s over. One star for you!

Score: 59