
Sadly, Upgraded is not the sequel to Leigh Whannell’s 2018 sci-fi film Upgrade… but is instead a mashup of standard rom-com tropes with a spiritual successor to The Devil Wears Prada (not a single cyborg implant in sight!).

It stars the appealing Camila Mendes as a flunky working for a demanding boss played by Marisa Tomei. When they take a work trip to London, she winds up upgraded to first class where she meets a first class gent played by Archie Renqaux. She tells a silly rom-com-like lie to him which she has to maintain for the entire trip.

As a Devil Wears Prada-type workplace comedy, I enjoyed this film more. It was reasonably fun watching Mendes navigate the politics and backstabbing in order to prove her worth. Maybe it runs a little long and ties too unbelievably into the lie… but that’s just the nature of the beast.

As a silly little rom-com, the film is mostly fine. I didn’t think much of him but I did enjoy their flirting… they played it evenly with her giving just as sassily as he gave. Kind of nice having a female lead just as direct as the guy.

The film ultimately bogged down for me in its third act. But I generally enjoyed it well enough to power through that and accept the movie on its own terms. It’s pretty good and well cast with likable actors. I probably won’t think about it again.

Score: 76