Yakuza Princess

Yakuza Princess is about… umm… there’s this guy with amnesia in a hospital with a katana… and a girl who loved her grandfather and… there’s yakuza. And… umm… they meet about forty-five minutes into the movie where we start to get the bare semblance of a plot. But it’s about an hour and ten before we start to understand what’s going on. And who these characters are. Kind of.

Really honestly hard to give a shit about characters and motivations when the movie refuses to give us either. These aren’t people, they are barely even stereotypes. This movie has nothing going on in its unfocused barely explaining anything, least of all motivations, head.

There’s occasionally some action scenes but they aren’t very good.

The movie does look cinematic, at least. There was some talent behind the camera…. just not on the script level. Or direction since the pacing is just so lethargic.

Yakuza Princess… I guess.

Score: 57