Your Place or Mine

Your Place or Mine is a Netflix romcom that asks the bold question… if we put hot Reese Witherspoon and aged (but probably hot) Ashton Kutcher in a movie, is there any point pretending they aren’t going to get together by the end? I know I was on the edge of my seat wondering if the impossible would happen.

And it did… to no one’s shock and to no one’s surprise.

The flick stars the two as long-time best friends living on opposites sides of the US. She winds up flying to New York for work and he winds up flying to California to watch her twelve year old son while she’s away. Will this criss-crossed long-distance relationship work?

Yes, yes it will. But not after a little too much screen time with them apart. They show a lot of chemistry even in their separate ends of the phone scenes so they at least nail that (even if I’m constantly thinking he’s too young for her even though he’s clearly not… must be latent Demi Moore relationship feelings).

This flick… it’s alright. I make a joke out of its predictability but that’s just the nature of a rom-com so I should stop the act. We know where this is going and the good fun is the wait. Sure. Find. But is the wait good? Eh… it’s ok. There’s too much of it but some of it is amusing and charming and there are some good side characters (like Steve Zahn and Jesse Williams).

I’m on the fence about it since it did lose me a bit in its second act but was fairly strong in its first and ok in the third. I guess it’s good enough for me to shrug and just give it three stars for making good use of Reese Witherspoon. Not setting the world on fire… but maybe its good enough.

Score: 75