Red Dot
Red Dot isn’t a movie without merits… sometimes its suspense works and the actors have charisma. It’s also a Swedish take on a city folks run into trouble in the country movie… a couple travel to the backwoods of Sweden … Continue reading
Red Dot isn’t a movie without merits… sometimes its suspense works and the actors have charisma. It’s also a Swedish take on a city folks run into trouble in the country movie… a couple travel to the backwoods of Sweden … Continue reading
Flora & Ulysses is a “good enough” family film. It doesn’t seem to have any inspiration to rise above what it is: a basic Disney family-friendly fantasy adventure about a superhero squirrel. And, hey, when you have all the Marvel … Continue reading
The Little Things is one heck of a somber, slow, gloomy, ugly bit of film that reminds me of the end of Burn After Reading: what did we learn here? What was this about? Was it as nihilistic and defeatist … Continue reading
I blind watched a newish digital rental called Bacurau, a Brazilian film of some indeterminate genre. I’d heard it talked about and it’s been given good reviews. So I gave it a shot, intrigued by the mystery, and spent more … Continue reading
Outside the Wire is a serviceable enough action/war movie that, in between firefights, wants to say something about war. Whether it accomplishes that in its overly long runtime is debatable. Set in the near future, America is running peacekeeper operations … Continue reading
Shadow in the Cloud is an all-over-the-place campy WW2 action/horror flick about a bomber under attack from gremlins (and Japanese Zeroes). At various times, I kind of loved and kind of hated it… it’s so scattered that there’s surely something … Continue reading
Just repeat after yourself “This is not a sequel to the original Wonder Woman movie” and maybe you’ll be able to more quickly get into this movie or forgive its inconsistencies. Because Wonder Woman 84 is very much more of … Continue reading
The War with Grandpa is a decent, occasionally funny, and often surprisingly sweet film. With one major problem… it’s general premise. Kind of a big problem in an otherwise decent little movie. Robert DeNiro plays a grandpa who has to … Continue reading
I’d prepped for the movie Mank by rewatching Citizen Kane, having not seen it since college. But it took me a few tries to get into this new film on Netflix… but it is a David Fincher movie and I’ve … Continue reading
Dance movies are not exactly in my wheelhouse; you tell me it’s good dancin’, I’ll take your word. So not sure why I randomly picked out this Netflix offering… but not really regretting having done so. Work It is about … Continue reading