Blood Red Sky

When I heard the premise of this movie, I thought it could be good pulpy fun… maybe a little campy, maybe deadly serious. And I got one of those two things and, for awhile, the movie is fairly decent. But it’s almost two hours long and has too many moving parts for its own good. There’s only so much chaos and carnage they could fit into this running time before the flick began to sag under its own weight.

Blood Red Sky is about what happens when terrorists take over a transatlantic flight only to find the plane has a vampire aboard. And soon it may have more.

So this is a very serious, no-tongue-in-cheek carnage-filled vampire flick… mixed, inexplicably, with a little Die Hard (at least early on). If you want some dangerous, blood splattered vampires of the 30 Days of Night variety, this might work for you on some level. It’s not in it for the fun and games or any kind of camp value.

For awhile, I was enjoying this film… not a lot but enough. But it just keeps finding new ways to try to play the same game and overstays its welcome by a good 30 minutes. By the time the heroes and villains are up and down between the main cabin and the cargo area for the fifth or sixth time, it starts to drag. Especially because it’s not really adding anything new to the story – just to the run-time (and the body count).

I’ve certainly seen worse films and there’s something to enjoy here for horror fans. They could have played more with their log-line (vampires on a plane, vampires vs. terrorists, etc.) but they were too busy putting on a grim face. No crime there as long as they can keep up the tension, scares, and thrills… but they really couldn’t do that. Too bad… it was a good attempt though.

Score: 74