
Burning is an Amazon Prime documentary about the Australian bushfires in 2019 and 2020. Or, rather, it’s about climate change that resulted in the continent-wide series of bushfires. I tuned in for the facts about the fire and got something bigger… though also something more redundant.

Nothing against a message about climate change and interviews with a bunch of people spreading the word, but this doc doesn’t have enough to say about the topic. Its alarming message gets redundant and sadly tiresome, especially in the last interminable twenty minutes of the film. I get it, I get it. I’ll get right on solving climate change in Australia…

As far as the fires go, the film covers them but not in as much detail as I was expecting. There are details, scary footage, and segments on how the months of bad air affected pregnant women, and a little about how it effected wildlife. I hate to say it though, I wanted more information, more details, about the fires.

“Like you’re watching some disaster movie?”, my cynical side suggests snidely. Well, sigh, I guess. Now I feel like a heel.

Score: 78