Enola Holmes

Enola Holmes is the latest Netflix collaboration with Millie Bobby Brown and the latest Sherlock Holmes (related) movie. I didn’t go into this expecting anything beyond the basic concept (Sherlock Holmes’ younger sister) so was able to be surprised by its wit and charm.

The film is about sixteen year old Enola, much younger sister to Sherlock and Mycroft Holmes. She is close with her mother who has taught her science and hand-to-hand combat along with a casual disregard to patriarchy of late 19th century London. But when the mother goes missing, Enola winds up the ward of stuffy, authoritarian Mycroft… though she identifies more with the sharp witted Sherlock. Going against both brothers wishes, however, she travels to London to find her mother… and gets mixed up with a runaway lord who just happens to be a cute boy just her age.

This is certainly a movie that’s targeted at the YA and young girl crowd, but not in an aggressive way that precludes adults and boys from enjoying it too. It’s got a decent set of mysteries, a very good look, nice sets, fine acting, and some serious (and surprisingly violent/dangerous) fight scenes. Don’t be turned off by the “Sherlock’s Younger Sister” line. It’s a pretty quirky little surprise of a movie.

Millie Bobby Brown is very good here and it gives me hope that, when they finally cancel Stranger Things, she might have an ongoing career with sequels to this flick. She’s immensely charming and takes full control of the screen. She also narrates the film by way of talking directly to the camera which works without being twee or distracting.

Sherlock Holmes, who isn’t in the movie a lot, is played by Henry Cavill. I’m not quite convinced he’ll go down in history as one of the best Sherlock portrayals… but he does play a good but aloof older brother. I really liked how he interacted with Enola so, even if not a great Sherlock, he works perfectly for this flick.

The movie is a tad bit too long and kind of gets a little plodding at points in the second and third acts, unfortunately. But I’ve seen worse crimes and that doesn’t make the movie too much less watchable. I’d recommend this flick, certainly to teen girls but also to pretty much anyone looking for some decent mystery action on Netflix.

Score: 78