Forever First Love

Forever First Love is a fairly short pure romance film… not a romantic comedy, not a drama with a romance angle, not sci-fi or horror or supernatural. Just a flick about two people meeting and having a bit of a romance.

The flick is about a man and woman who stumble on each other while traveling through a Filipino market. They had a romance before in their teens and haven’t seen each other in seventeen years. They decide to hang out all day… which leads to talkin’ and romancin’.

Most of the first half of this movie is pretty dull. Kind of a B grade “Before” movie (Before Sunrise, etc.). Their dialog is not interesting and they aren’t really sparking with each other. But once the movie decides to get these two crazy kids in bed, the movie picks up. Which sounds a little pervy but I defend it by pointing out that, if they are naked and smoochin’, they ain’t talkin’.

But the movie has to end and it has to have an argument where one or both of them are insufferable. And any goodwill starts to seep away again.

Not much to recommend this film unless you want to see a couple of pretty people in a romance film and their dialog doesn’t matter.

Score: 68