Game Over, Man!

Checked out the superbly stupid Netflix original comedy Game Over, Man. It stars Adam Devine and two other guys who, I gather, have an equally silly/stupid comedy show… but with the new movie, the chains are off and they are able to be as crude and lewd as they want. If that was the goal, they have achieved it.
The three dudes play waiters at a classy hotel that is quickly taken over by terrorists/thieves and they must die hard their way out of it. The three idiots try to save party guests, consisting of a number of B and C list stars, while also trying to get funding for their Skintendo video game controller. The head terrorists is played by That Guy… the ice-cold white-haired guy who played the same character in one of the Paul Blart movies. In that this is a better movie than Paul Blart can be attributed to its 100% lack of Paul Blart.
Yes, this is a stupid movie and has an impressive amount of comedic gore and violence and an even more curious amount of penis. Those with good taste or who are otherwise less inclined to flopping testicles and faces on a meat slicer should stay away. Odds are, you should just stay away regardless… but I’ll admit to chuckling now and again so if you are keen on what this movie is issuing, hey, it’s basically free on Netflix. You’ve been warned… it’s not a good movie but I’ve seen worse.
This movie doesn’t do much to propel Netflix as a purveyor of quality original films. Between this and other flicks they’ve put out, you could even argue they don’t care about quality in the least. As long as people watch and keep paying, this is the level of quality we can expect.
Score: 66