I Kill Giants

Rented an iTunes flick (that is also available in limited theatrical release) called I Kill Giants… based on a graphic novel I gather but also sharing a lot of DNA with A Monster Calls and Troll Hunter. That’s neither here nor there, I suppose.
Set in New England, the film is about a young nerdy teenage girl who defends her town from giants. Or maybe she’s have a psychotic break with reality… we see the giants but they may not actually exist. It’s one of those movies where her delusions are based on her real life problems but maybe its all REALLY happening too.
What I dig about this low-key enjoyable and sometimes emotionally raw movie is the girl and her lonely friend from England (who does exist). The main girl is quirky and odd, she builds equipment out of junk, and she is serious in defending the town against people who make fun of her. Regardless of her mental state, she’s set on doing the right thing.
The movie also is very good looking… very moody gray environment, the limited use of visual FX are good for a lower budget film. There’s genuine emotion.
Not much else to say… it’s a quirky, dark, and enjoyable little film about a character who is a real character (and her young friend and the school analyst played by Zoey Saldana). I’d low key recommend it – it’s not great but if you want a good, emotional experience and/or a flick about a young woman who fights literal or figurative monsters with a giant hammer, not a bad watch.
Score: 82