I Love You, Man

I Love You, Man is a movie I wasn’t expecting much from until it got surprisingly good reviews from major outlets. And, what do you know, it was really funny.

It’s about a guy who proposes to his gal and realizes that he has no man friends… certainly no one he would want as his best man. So he decides to FIND a best friend. He eventually finds a dude’s dude – played by the star of Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

Paul Rudd stars in the flick and he’s great as a guy who doesn’t know how to be cool or bro-like around his bros. The girl in the flick is Rashida Jones from The Office (Jim’s ex-fiancé) and she’s just awesome. Gorgeous and some more gorgeous and just kind of cool – I think I want to hang out with her. Their relationship is one of the best parts of the movie since, while Rudd can’t impress too many people, she totally gets him and his sense of humor… Where many romantic comedies would have a bad break up and a reunion to some pop tune, this has one too
but it’s treated far more believably since they were never really broken up and she is able to accept an apology… trust me, it’s well done.

Overall, a very good, very funny movie. Recommended. Especially when they get around to slappin’ da bass!

Score: 86