Let Me In

Let Me In is the American remake of the very interesting Swedish vampire movie Let the Right One In. This remake was ok but suffered from a few flaws… mainly in not getting the mood quite right. The Swedish version was all about the cold – the bitter bitter cold of winter. The US version is set in New Mexico during the Winter – not exactly what you might think of when you think of snow and cold. But the European version worked because it just FELT cold, like the world was dead. The US version didn’t get that – partly because of the eye-ball bleedingly fake Hollywood snow. I hate fake snow in movies – but it was worse because the snow is supposed to be a character. Grrrr.

Plus the kid (the human) wasn’t as warped and weird as the original kid… which I guess he couldn’t be unless they managed some amazing casting… but the kid in the European version seemed a little off.. the US kid just seemed like a little kid who got bullied a lot. Oh well.

But, to be completely fair, this is still a pretty good movie. It just suffers in comparison… but if you aren’t familiar with that flick, this will seem unique and interesting. Plus Chloe Grace Moretz is pretty good casting for a youthful vampire so credit to the casting.

Score: 83