Night of the Animated Dead

The worst part of this pretty mediocre movie is that we have a perfectly good original and a pretty good remake. Hell, there’s even a poorly colorized version of the original if that’s your barrier (not sure if available and really not worth watching). So what does an animated version benefit us? Gore. That seems like the length and breadth of their aspirations.

Night of the Animated Dead remakes the original Night of the Living Dead using stiff, unexpressive, boring, and lazy animation. Same (or similar enough) script and storyline. It’s just that now when a zombie is shot, a hole is blasted through. When a knife is used to to stop an attack, zombie fingers and hands are lost. Things are much redder, basically.

But all the gore in the world is irrelevant if it looks this bland. This cheap. This boring. This low energy.

There’s no point to this. It feels like a con to have spent real money on a rental, but here I am five bucks and one hour poorer.

Score: 56