On the Rocks (2020)

On the Rocks is Sofia Coppola’s latest film and her third with Bill Murray (following Lost in Translation and A Very Murray Christmas). It kind of came out of nowhere, no doubt another victim of Hollywood Covid release trauma.

The film stars Rashida Jones as a woman who is beginning to suspect her husband (Marlon Wayans) is a philanderer… that he’s been philandering. With encouragement from her father (Murray, playing a serial and accomplished philandering dad) the two begin to spy on Wayans as he jaunts about New York on alleged business. What follows is a gentle, charming comedy drama that slants a little more on the drama side but is still pretty consistently low-key funny. And very human. It milks both Murray at his smoothest and Jones at her most anxious.

This is a kind of quiet, low-key comedy that might not appeal to people who prefer their yucks broad and obvious. I can’t say everyone will love it but cinephiles should surely give it a look. Even if it’s just for some accomplished and lovely directing and cinematography of NYC.

I enjoyed this movie. It snuck up and charmed me. I think it’s worth a look. You can enjoy it as a romantic drama, a subtle comedy, and as a showcase for Bill Murray (he’s very good). And he shouldn’t (and doesn’t) outshine the lovely Rashida Jones, which is to her (and her director’s) credit.

Score: 82