Safer at Home

Well, based on the reviews of this movie, I guess I was supposed to absolutely hate it. And certainly if you are the kind of person who is sick and tired of screen-life movies and/or movies about quarantine, I can see that. Me? I’m neither for nor against those types of movies… they are either good or bad on their own merits.

The flick is about seven friends who get together on video chat during the latest outbreak of the newest strain of the coronavirus. They are sick of quarantine but the death toll is in the double digit millions by this point. Then one of them dies mysteriously and everyone freaks out.

This is hardly a perfect movie, though I do think it’s well enough acted and can be fairly suspenseful. The music does a lot of heavy lifting, that’s for sure. But it does get a little long with entirely too many scenes of people driving aimlessly or staring into the camera with nothing to do but react. Plus the characters do a lot of dumb things… which, hey, if they did smart things, there wouldn’t be a movie.

And one other thing I rather liked. This is a screen-life / video chat suspense/thriller about a bunch of friends getting together online that doesn’t – repeat does not – have a demon or a ghost in it. So a few points for originality there, at least.

Ultimately, this is a decent movie dragged down a little too much by its lack of focus and repetitive scenes. But I think there’s some decent stuff going on as long as you aren’t just sick of it all.

Score: 75