Skeleton Twins, The

Caught on video the well-reviewed Kristen Wiig / Bill Hader drama/comedy The Skeleton Twins… a film about a couple messed up, distant, but loving fraternal twins who are vaguely suicidal, mostly unhappy, and they reunite after ten years of living on different coasts. His life hasn’t gone as well as he’d hoped, she’s in an unhappy marriage (to poor Luke Wilson).

Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader pull of a really great performance that’s very unlike anything I’ve seen from them… more dramatic and a lot more subtly comedic. It’s not a super happy fun time movie but it IS melancholy-funny if that’s a thing.

Not a lot of plot – just a kind of slice of life pic. Probably won’t appeal to everyone, but I really kinda dug it.

Score: 86